Making Friends

Making friends is an absolutely crucial part of school life. One of the most beautiful things about Stella Maris is the friendships throughout the school. Due to the personal touch of the school the children tend to make friends with all age groups not just their own class and there is a real sense of family.


This is further supported by the school buddy system. When a new pupil arrives at Stella Maris they are paired with an older boy or girl ‘buddy’ who will help them around the school and explain everything they might not understand – like where to hang bags/coats or how the merit badge system works. These friendships make the children feel safe very quickly and allows their confidence to build quickly. It’s our aim to settle new starters into school life as quickly and comfortably as possible.


There are also many social events throughout the year to give the children the opportunity to socialise together outside school hours, these include Halloween disco, Christmas parties, Christmas Panto, Sports Day, Open Days where the children take part, bake sales and many other opportunities to spend time together. There are also socials for the parents to get to know each other and build their own friendships which often last well beyond the school years.

Merit System & House Teams


All pupils are given a place in one of two ‘House Teams’: Matthew (blue) and Mark (red). Children from Year 1 upwards earn merit marks for good work and behaviour. All pupils take part in a number of team competitions throughout the year. Pre-Prep children earn electronic ‘dojos’ for good work and behaviour. Each Friday in assembly class teachers award house merit badges for exceptional work during the week and the pupils who are awarded the badges will be given a special mention with their photo in the weekly Parent Facebook secure news page. The children really buy into the reward system and there is always a buzz around who will win the merit badge that week.