Goodbye and Good Luck to our Year 6 children

Today was a very special day at Stella Maris School when we said goodbye and good luck to our Year 6 children as they begin the next step into senior school.  The day started with a lovely assembly where we celebrated their years with us

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End of Year Trips

With only days left before the end of another successful year at Stella Maris School the children went on their end of year trips during this week.  The KS 2 children went for a fun-packed day at Lyme Park where they viewed the gardens and

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Summer Show Performance

During this week the children at Stella Maris School staged their annual Summer Show.  The children participated in a range of musical activities and were outstanding in their delivery and confidence.  Every child from the youngest to the oldest had a part to play on

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A busy week of rehearsals ahead

Now that Sports Day has taken place, the children are all looking forward with excitement to the next big event, as they prepare for their Summer Show. The academic assessments are all over, the hard work has been done, topics are finished and now the

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Fun in the sun at Sports Day

During this week the children at Stella Maris School were very excited to be taking part in our annual Sports Day.  The children participated in a range of races, including a very enjoyable sack race and obstacle race.  Lots of parents and families turned out

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Buddies Together

Our Year 6 and Pre-Prep children have been buddies since the beginning of the academic year, last September. The Year 6 children will soon be moving on to their grammar schools, and although feeling excited about this next step in their education journey it is

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Presentation to The Together Trust

The children were delighted when Lottie, from the Together Trust, called in during the week and they made a presentation to her. The children collected £70 from their own pocket money as a result of a recent non-uniform day and were very proud to hand

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Summer Show Rehearsals

We’ve reached that exciting time of year when preparations are in progress for our Summer Show.  During next week there will a number of rehearsals in the Community Centre so the children get the opportunity of rehearsing on stage.  These rehearsals will take place throughout

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Our Busy Summer Term!​

The children have returned after a relaxing and restful half-term break and are excitedly looking forward to all the events which are happening during the coming weeks. With only 5 weeks to the end of the academic year there is a lot going on, including

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Outstanding Results – Year 6 Grammar School Exams

Well done Year 6, another year of 100% success in the local Manchester and Stockport Grammar schools, in a very competitive year for school places in the grammar school sector.  The school choices have been made and the children are all looking forward to taking

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A Visit from “The Cup.”

There was great excitement at Stella Maris School on the morning of 10th May when our friends from Stockport County Football Club called in to show their recently won trophy to the children. Lots of interesting questions were asked and the children were fascinated to

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Outdoor Education at Stella Maris School

Outdoor Education at Stella Maris SchoolNow the weather is becoming warmer the children at Stella Maris School are out and about in the school grounds, enjoying the fresh air and their outdoor education.  As well as our Forest School provision, children enjoy being in the

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Outdoor Education at Stella Maris School

Now the weather is becoming better the children at Stella Maris School get out and about in the school grounds, enjoying the fresh air and their outdoor education.  As well as our Forest School provision, children enjoy being in the school garden and have taken

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Job Vacancy – KS 2 Teacher

The Trustees of Stella Maris School are seeking to appoint an experienced KS 2 teacher for September 2024, due to our expanding KS 2 department. Applicants must be highly skilled, energetic and have experience of teaching in a KS 2 setting. The ability to actively promote

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Open Day – Thursday 25th April

From 9:30am – 3pm on Thursday 25th April, we will be running an Open Day. We require everyone who is interested in attending the Open Day to register. To do so, please contact the office on or 0161 432 0532. We look forward to

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Entrance Exam Results

Our Year 6 pupils have achieved great success in the recent 2024 grammar school entrance exam and interview process. As a result of this success multiple offers have been made by all the Stockport and Manchester grammar schools where the children chose to sit exams

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PSHE lessons in school

At Stella Maris School, we recognise the importance of our PSHE lessons and all age groups access a variety of these lessons during the working week. It gives our children the opportunity to discuss personal, local, national and global issues, as part of their development

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Activities before school

At Stella Maris School we offer a number of extra-curricular activities in our Before School Club, which is an early drop-off from 8 am.  As well as the numerous art and craft activities on offer, some of our children enjoy making and building, using lego

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Creating your own history

During this past term at Stella Maris School the children have been creating their own History Timeline as part of their History and Art lessons. Knowledge of the past helps children to understand the World they are living in, as well as being exciting and

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Traditional skills at Stella Maris

In our digital world children at Stella Maris School are taught IT and computing skills for life. These skills are integrated into all subject areas. However, we also focus on the essential traditional skills which will be required in future years. Here we can see

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Religious Studies at Stella Maris

At Stella Maris School our Year 5 and 6 children have been learning about Prayer and Worship in different World religions in their RE lessons during the past couple of weeks. They have enjoyed discovering that all religions share similarities and differences in the way

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Exciting Events

We are now in our busiest term of the year and there are lots of exciting events for our Stella Maris children to enjoy. We have two fantastic trips coming up, one to Formby Sands for our younger children and a day out at Speke

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Year 6 Residential Trip to Waddow Hall – June 2023

The greatly awaited residential trip for our Year 6 children who will be leaving us and moving to high school next year has finally arrived! Next week the children, along with Mrs Johnson, our Year 6 teacher and Headteacher and Mr Brown, our senior teacher,

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Forthcoming Events

Our Year 6 children had a great time on their recent trip to Waddow Hall and many wonderful memories were made. We are now in our final few weeks of this Summer Term and there are lots of exciting events and trips ahead. Children are

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