Christmas Treat at the Savoy Cinema

The children enjoyed an exciting trip on Thursday morning this week, when they visited the local Savoy Cinema for a private viewing of the popular Christmas movie, The Grinch.  Our school PTA organised and subsidised this Christmas treat for our children and we are very

Instrumental Lessons at Stella Maris School

At Stella Maris School we offer a wide range of extracurricular opportunities. Extracurricular activities enhance academic learning, as well as giving pleasure and providing motivation to develop new skills and talents.  We have an instrumental tutor who works in school on a weekly basis, offering lessons

A Forthcoming Celebration

The annual Christmas Concert will be taking place in a couple of weeks and the children are busy preparing for this enjoyable occasion.  Lots of rehearsals have been taking place in school and the children are excited at the prospect of showcasing their talents at

Open Day – Thursday 21st Nov. 2024

We are holding our next Open Event on Thursday 21st November - 9.30 am - 3 pm. This is an opportunity for visitors to call in and see the working school in progress. The best way to view our wonderful school is to come and meet

Taking Part in Community Events

At Stella Maris School we encourage our children to take part in local charitable and community events, as this helps children to develop a sense of citizenship as they grow older.  Last Sunday morning a group of our children attended the service of Remembrance at

Remembrance Assembly

The children were in a reflective and thoughtful mood this morning as they met together for their Friday morning assembly in the school hall.  The theme of our assembly today was Remembrance and the assembly was delivered by some of the older juniors in the

Fun in the Before School Club

At Stella Maris School we run a Before School Club each morning from 8 am.  This facility is to help our working parents and provide an early drop-off for parents who are on their way to work.  This is laid on at no cost to

The After School Club at Stella Maris School

At Stella Maris School we run an ASC each evening from 3.10 - 5.30 pm.  This facility is to help our working parents and provide wraparound care for the children who need to remain in school later than the normal school hours.  The ASC is

Halloween Fun

Excitement has been building all week at Stella Maris School as the children prepared for the highlight of their Autumn Term social calendar, the Halloween Disco. During the week there were lots of excited conversations about party food, costumes and the return of the previous

The Importance of Outdoor Education

The ability to enjoy nature and to seek enjoyment from being outdoors are qualities which we promote at Stella Maris School.  Each week our children take part in various activities related to promoting the love of nature. They enjoy being outdoors and they develop a