Extra-curricular activities at Stella Maris School

Extra-curricular activities enhance academic learning, as well as giving pleasure and providing motivation to develop new skills and talents. We have just confirmed our extensive range of clubs and activities for the Autumn Term and our children will be making choices during the next couple

Welcome back to school

Our children have returned to school to start another academic year. There was great excitement in the school when they arrived last Tuesday morning and we welcomed some new starters to our school community.  The children were happy to be back in their classrooms and

Goodbye and Good Luck to our Year 6 children

Today was a very special day at Stella Maris School when we said goodbye and good luck to our Year 6 children as they begin the next step into senior school.  The day started with a lovely assembly where we celebrated their years with us

End of Year Trips

With only days left before the end of another successful year at Stella Maris School the children went on their end of year trips during this week.  The KS 2 children went for a fun-packed day at Lyme Park where they viewed the gardens and

Summer Show Performance

During this week the children at Stella Maris School staged their annual Summer Show.  The children participated in a range of musical activities and were outstanding in their delivery and confidence.  Every child from the youngest to the oldest had a part to play on

A busy week of rehearsals ahead

Now that Sports Day has taken place, the children are all looking forward with excitement to the next big event, as they prepare for their Summer Show. The academic assessments are all over, the hard work has been done, topics are finished and now the

Fun in the sun at Sports Day

During this week the children at Stella Maris School were very excited to be taking part in our annual Sports Day.  The children participated in a range of races, including a very enjoyable sack race and obstacle race.  Lots of parents and families turned out

Buddies Together

Our Year 6 and Pre-Prep children have been buddies since the beginning of the academic year, last September. The Year 6 children will soon be moving on to their grammar schools, and although feeling excited about this next step in their education journey it is

Presentation to The Together Trust

The children were delighted when Lottie, from the Together Trust, called in during the week and they made a presentation to her. The children collected £70 from their own pocket money as a result of a recent non-uniform day and were very proud to hand

Summer Show Rehearsals

We've reached that exciting time of year when preparations are in progress for our Summer Show.  During next week there will a number of rehearsals in the Community Centre so the children get the opportunity of rehearsing on stage.  These rehearsals will take place throughout